Healing Services
EstaRa understands that the healing process is evolutionary and that each individual’s journey requires different tools along the way to help them regain and create the life
they truly desire; therefore, each appointment is as unique as each individual.
At the beginning of your session, EstaRa will partner with you and discuss your intentions for the session, once that is established, EstaRa, along with her Galactic Healing Team, will determine on the best use of your time by utilizing an Arcturian Healing Technique that scans your energy body and chakras. An appointment can involve a combination of any of the following: Multidimensional Energy Healing: Reikipronounced (Ray Key) an ancient Japanese healing art. The essence of Reiki Healing Energy is love, peace, harmony, cooperation and trust. This can be performed hands on the body or in the energy field., IETIntegrated Energy Therapy - hands on-power energy therapy systems that get the “issues out of your tissues” for good! This technique is made up of specific hand positions that work to remove issues; particularly useful with emotional and mental healing.Integrated Energy Therapy - hands on-power energy therapy systems that get the “issues out of your tissues” for good! This technique is made up of specific hand positions that work to remove issues; particularly useful with emotional and mental healing., QT: Arcturian Sound Healing, Pleiaidian Lightwave Technology, Light Language Activations; Multidimensional Intuitive Reading: Energy Body, Auric Field, Chakras, Past Life Regression; Multidimensional Energy Clearing for you, your chakras and energy bodies, etc: Removal of Blocks, Obstructions, Curses and/or Dark Energies; Intuitive Natural Healing: Counseling, Crystal Energy Therapy, Soul Essence Therapy, Essential Oil Therapy, Flower Essence Therapy, Movement, and more.
The multidimensional healing work that EstaRa and her Healing Team perform, creates cellular, DNA level changes and improvements for you going forward. While some results are felt during the session as physical improvements or releasing of emotions, healing energy goes where it is needed; the effects may be subtle energy shifts and processes that go beyond what one can visibly see; therefore, they are more often noticed over the following days, weeks, or even months. You will leave these sessions feeling clearer, more empowered, and at peace, knowing that you are loved and supported. Click for Intuitive Healing Frequently Asked Questions.
All intuitive readings are done as part of all Healing Sessions.
It is recommended that the initial appointment be scheduled for 90 minutes, but it is not required. If the initial appointment is less than 90 minutes, then it is recommended to scheduled two sessions within a two week period of time.
Intuitive Healing sessions can be purchased on my Healing Products Page.
INTUITIVE HEALING SESSIONS are available for Adults and Children
Sessions can be performed in person, over the phone, through Zoom, Skype or offline while you sleep. You and EstaRa will discuss what your goals and intentions are for your session before you begin. The session often involves several techniques, including intuitive reading, energetic clearing, energy balancing, divine alignment and intuitive counseling. For Divine Partnership Intuitive Healing Sessions, only one member of the partnership is required to be present; however both partners will receive the benefits of the sessions.
To purchase sessions visit the Healing Products page.
This is a downloaded channel directly from Source/Creator/Spirit to you, your higher self pertaining to the energy of now. It is an energetic transmission of Light that will contain codes for ascension, provide you with needed energy upgrades and balancing, access to your divine blueprint and guidance for your mission/soul’s purpose. The sounds will directly enter your cells and activate as you listen to the recording. This will be performed remotely and sent to you as a recording that you can listen to over and over for deeper integration and alignment. Please note that the primary source of information will be performed through your soul’s language of light; therefore, there may or may not be a human translation for what is being channeled.
Light Language Sound Activations, when available, can be purchased on the Healing Products page.

Using Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and Bach Flower Essences I have combined these potent, gentle healers with Star Being Energies and Light Language Activation to create two products that are customized to each individual. The Heart Healer Infusion aligns you to your soul’s essence as well as heals and opens your heart to more love and/or allows more love in, and the Soul Infused Flower Essence aligns you to your highest potential, your personal power bringing about positive change for the person using it.
As a Young Living Distributor, you may also contact me to order any essential oils you may be looking for.
Remember, a miracle is just around the corner!
People are saying
“To experience Reiki energy therapy with April is to enjoy the deepest level of relaxation without actually falling asleep. I always feel refreshed and well-balanced following each session.” – Jessica
“After our session I didn’t feel that over whelming doom & gloom feeling that has been taking my very breath away. This morning I am clearer and much less stressed…You are an amazing person/woman…I will be doing all the work we discussed, promise and I send you much love, adoration and thanks!” – Cher, Intuitive Healing Session
“My mother recently passed away. If we hadn’t done work together with spirit in the past, this process would have been much worse. Peace and Love IS the way. I have been reminded to BE love.” – Karen