Intuitive Healing FAQ’s
Where does an Intuitive Healing Session Take Place?
A Healing session with EstaRa may be experienced in her office, through Zoom or on the phone. Healing may be done from a distance in which case you can receive from the comfort of your own home or at your leisure via Zoom or phone. An in-person session is held in an office that has been designed to promote healing and relaxation.
How long does an Intuitive Healing Session last?
The length of a session varies by individual and situation; it can be from 30 to 90 minutes. The energy healing will last anywhere from 20 minutes to 60 minutes, but many components will be involved in the healing. Expect that your first session may be longer than each session after. It is recommended that a 90 minute session is be scheduled for your initial appointment, but not necessary.
What is an Intuitive Healing Session like with EstaRa?
Whether you are in person or experiencing a session from a distance, EstaRa treats her time with you the same. She will partner with you and her team of Guides, Angels, Galactic Healers on the best use of your time by scanning your Energy Body through an Arcturian Healing Technique. It is as if it is an energetic x-ray. Each session includes several techniques from her toolbox, including intuitive reading, energetic clearing, energy balancing, divine alignment and intuitive counseling. EstaRa often remains with her eyes closed during her work, and may be quiet for periods of time while working with you; however, there may be times that EstaRa may need to speak and/or channel sounds. EstaRa provides you with additional information during the session or at the end of the session based on the energy work performed, in addition, any messages that came in from your angels, guides or loved ones. EstaRa will partner with you to discuss what the next steps on your healing journey may be and you will receive guidance on any crystals or gemstones that you may wish to use on a daily basis as you continue your healing journey.
If you are in-person with EstaRa, your session may include lying down on massage table fully clothed part of the time or seated in a chair across from her. Therapeutic background music may be played to enhance the relaxation. Crystals may used to amplify and strengthen the power of the session. Incense or Essential Oils may be filling the room in which your session is performed. If you have a sensitivity, please notify EstaRa prior to your session.
If you are in a Zoom or phone session with EstaRa, your session will require you to be seated in a quiet place where you will not be disturbed.
If you are in a Remote Healing Session with EstaRa, your session may be completed outside of regular office hours or often correspond with when you are sleeping. A follow up email may be sent after your session with any additional information.
How does an Intuitive Energy Healing Session feel?
Every experience is unique to the individual; however, some people feel a warmth or tingling sensation while others don’t feel anything but a sense of peace and calm. When one opens to the energy their bodies rejoice in the knowing that healing on all levels is occurring. You will leave these sessions feeling clear, empowered, and totally at peace, knowing that you are loved and supported.
What is a Healing Reaction?
A Healing Reaction is when the physical body temporarily produces new symptoms or aggravates the old ones as it clears away the energy associated with illness/patterns/emotions during or after an Intuitive Healing Session. This is a visible sign that healing is occurring. If a healing reaction should occur, please remember that the symptoms will be intensified, but temporary. For example: if you have physical pain, it may get worse during or directly after the treatment session, but it is only temporary while it drops off you. Continued work with Energy Healing will assist the process as well as drinking plenty of water.
How do you know if the Energy Healing worked?
The results of a Energy Healing Session are generally felt during the treatment, directly after or over the following days, weeks, months. Because Energy Healing energy goes where it is needed, the effects may be subtle and go beyond what one can visibly see and impact a situation positively. Or the effects could be clearly evidenced in the significant physical improvement or releasing of emotions. This work can assist the body in create lasting physical DNA/Cellular Level changes and improvements for you going forward.
Following a treatment, you may feel dehydrated and increase the amount of water you drink. Likewise an increased elimination may be experienced as well for a period after treatment.
How often do I need to receive Energy Healing treatments?
Everyone is a unique individual and has different needs and reasons for receiving Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions. Generally, it is recommended that you come in for at least 3-4 appointments to be able to notice a difference and assist in the alleviation of symptoms; particularly if you are having physical or emotional symptoms. It is encouraged to have appointments more closely together at the beginning to provide a level of comfort, get on top of the situation as quickly as possible and for a baseline of healing to occur. Because sometimes the effects of Energy Healing are subtle in nature, it may take time for you to notice the healing that is taking place. While Energy Healing is not a quick fix for any situation; it does often provide clients with immediate comfort and results.
People are saying
“Thanks so much, it was well worth the wait! You touched on all the things that I really needed to hear. I also needed to hear about not making any rash decisions….when I’m feeling stuck and upset I get an overwhelming urge to just make a move no matter what it is.” – Elena, Divine Partnership Session
“I got the feeling both your and my Acturian Medical Teams were working on my body .. each chakra was being cleared .. There was a lot around the solar plexus and then high heart, back of the throat chakra also got quite a work out. I’m in Australia (east coast) so timing is always interesting for these types of things. Thank you .. much love” Fay, Twin Flame Healing Session