Intuitive and Healing Services

Smudging Spray

A great smoke-free alternative to smudge sticks. You can clear a space, yourself or others just about anywhere you go, of negative and/or stagnant energy and restore it back to balance in little time. This spray has been infused with the energies of the Full Moon, Sun, Crystal and Starbeing Technology including, Pleaidian Light Wave and Arcturian Sound Vibration. It contains water, quartz crystal, Sage and other Therapeutic Grade Essential Oils and Flower Essences as guided.  Witch Hazel is used as a preservative.

Please allow up to one week for fulfillment.

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2 oz., 8 oz.


People are saying

“EstaRa has been an indispensable guide as I determine my future goals. I have to admit – I was skeptical about intuitive readings and reiki before I met her, but now I am a believer. April is the real thing. Give her a try and you will be really glad you did.”


Susannah | Individual Sessions with EstaRa