Energy Healing Classes
ENERGY HEALING: The essence of healing energy is love, peace, harmony, cooperation and trust. It can also be known as universal life force energy guided by a higher power. Because every living thing is made of energy, this type of heal restores the natural energetic balance back your energy bodies. Healing Practitioners use their hands on the person to be healed with the full intention of healing the client for their highest good. Healing energy flows automatically to where it is needed. Healing energy works on all levels: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
Intuitive Energy Healing aka Reiki Level One, Two, Three & Master: This class is open to all. Join others guided to learn intuitive energy healing. Each student will be attuned to Usui Reiki & Angelic Reiki Level One. In addition, The Arcturian Masters of Light will initiate you with a Sound Activation into Multi-dimensional energy and assist you in raising your vibration more quickly. Learn of the history of Reiki, meet the guides that wish to assist you on your healing journey, learn about Auras and Chakras and learn how to use your intuition to guide your use of energy healing as well as other healing techniques. It is more than just a Reiki Class, you will be inspired and amazed.
Intuitive Energy Healing aka Reiki Level Two: Prerequisite: Reiki Level One. Join others guided on their path of learning intuitive energy healing. Each student will be attuned to Usui Reiki & Angelic Reiki Level Two. In addition, my guides The Arcturian Masters of Light will initiate you into Multi-dimensional energy. Each student will learn the following techniques: Long Distance Healing, Goal Empowerment, Chakra Spinning and Balancing and Body Scanning. We will work with pendulums and connecting with our Higher Self. This tends to be a day of lots of practice. It is more than just a Reiki Class, you will be inspired and amazed.
Intuitive Healing aka Reiki Level Three Master Level (Non–Teaching Level): Prerequisite: Reiki Level II Each student will be attuned to Usui Reiki & Angelic Reiki Level Three the Master Level. Each student will learn the following techniques: how to use crystals for healing and creating a Crystal Grid, Techniques for Self Healing, including an 8 week long Inner Child Healing, the Master Symbol and additional symbols for healing, removal of energy blocks. You will also receive an Arcturian Initiation. It is more than just a Reiki Class, you will be inspired and amazed.
Intuitive Healing aka Reiki Master Teacher Level: Prerequisite: Reiki Level III Each student will learn the Master symbols to perform attunements and initiate others into Usui & Angelic Reiki. They will learn Business Codes, Teaching Guidelines, Learning to conduct Healings and attunements as well as prepare to begin their own practice.
Children’s Intuitive Energy Healing Classes: Classes available for different age groups from 6 to 16. This workshop is designed with a child’s well being in mind for the purpose of teaching Reiki. It will help children get in touch with the subtle energy and learn simple methods of using Reiki to help heal themselves and those around them. The environment will be a nurturing, supportive atmosphere where children will be allowed to discover their potential as an energy healer. It will be fun and interactive. Children will leave the class with a greater feeling of self-confidence and empowerment. There are several versions of this class to meet the age group of the students. In addition, there is a class developed as an 8 week after school program.
Energy Healing Share: Open to all levels of Energy Healing Practitioners. Come meet others guided by the use of Energy to give and receive healing in a supportive, light filled environment. It is a circle where only light and love reside to share touching stories and life changing experiences. We readily offer to share and give healing to others, but often we do not take opportunities to receive it for ourselves.
Sound Vibrational Healing Class: You do not have to be an Energy Healer to take this class—it is open to everyone wanting to learn healing. Sound Vibration techniques are a more advanced form of Energy Healing and will be taught to you with the assistance of Galactic Light Beings. The Hathors and the Arcturian Masters of Light who will not only initiate you into Sound Energy, but have provided the outline of this class. You will learn how to use your voice for healing body, mind and spirit for yourself and others. Singing ability is not necessary.
Healing of the Chakras: The Art of Creating Your Way to Health: Open to all. This class will discuss the seven major energy centers in the human body known as Chakras. We will delve deeper into Chakra Healing and beyond a beginner’s look at chakras because they play a much larger role in your life than you can imagine! This class will be informative and helpful in understanding the energy blocks that underlie many dis-eases associated with your physical, mental and emotional well being. There are energetic disturbances to love, blocks to motivation, difficulties in getting past your physical illnesses and with this class; we will take a look at how everyday life interacts with your chakras. It will be a beneficial class for energy healers, therapists—really anyone working on themselves or with other people to heal their physical and mental self. Using art, sound, smell and meditation we will connect with our chakras and learn techniques for working with and healing them. Healing a chakra will heal your life!
Inner Child Healing Workshop: Heal Your Inner Child with the use of Reiki through this 6-week workshop. This workshop is done completely online and will require you to connect with everyone online during the 6 weeks. You will also be asked to connect with the group once a week through a 30 minute conference call. The majority of the work is done by you on your own through meditation and Reiki, but the group dynamic is necessary to your healing and the healing of the group. This work is highly energetic and will catapult you further into your own personal healing process and requires your commitment. Because the work is done on your own, through the use of the internet and conference call, you do not have to attend any live sessions in CT, you may be located anywhere. However, you must be a Reiki Practitioner of Level III Reiki or above in order to perform all the Reiki that is required in this workshop.
People are saying
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J.B. Dealy
“Avocado asparagus okra. Kohlrabi radish okra azuki bean corn fava bean mustard tigernut jícama green bean celtuce collard greens avocado quandong fennel gumbo black-eyed pea. Grape silver beet watercress potato tigernut corn groundnut.”
Lucy Edwin