healing services

Divine Partnerships


 Divine Partnerships also known as Twin Flames

This form of love has never been on the planet before in this way and in this capacity. It has taken a hold of all humanity, not only the people involved in Twin flame love, but many are hoping to be part of it too. The opportunity for divine love in past timelines was rare, and often when it happened, it showed up as tragedy or an unrequited love energy that could never be quelled, nor come to pass. The call has gone out to awaken all Twin flames from their slumber; for the rest of humanity, it has awakened within them the quest for divine love. This energy is paving way for a massive human consciousness shift within in every living being on the planet. Allowing the time to exist for all to find and create a Divine Partnership. The time for union is now.

To really receive healing and guidance on your twin flame relationship, it is very important to reach for someone who is on a similar path to you; which is why seeking out another Twin flame on the journey for insight is what is most beneficial for you and your twin flame; unless you understand this path it is very hard to perform a reading without human/egoic biases.

Please refer to the Healing Services Page for more information on Individual Sessions for Divine Partnerships. In addition, you will find specialized recordings of healing and clearing for your Twin flame/Divine Partnership journey on my Products Page.


Remember, a miracle is just around the corner!

People are saying

“Since I saw you on YouTube I was immediately guided to work with you. Right after our session I had an amazing feeling of relief, I felt light and happy!!  You are very loving, friendly, and really gave me the chance to express my feelings;  I felt like I was talking with a  friend which is amazing.  You sent me a follow up email with some homework for the next days. And honestly I feel great. I’m looking forward to keep working with you and even want my 5 year old daughter to have a session too. That’s something I felt the moment I read on you work with kids. I’m really grateful for your life April and I honor your work and love.”  -Monica, Twin Flame Healing Session

“Thank you so much for this this. You are amazing. Was definitely worth wait”. – Best, Yolanda, Twin Flame Session